All roads led to St. Dominic Catholic Church, Yaba on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 where family members, Business Associates, friends and well wishers from all walks of life converged to felicitate and join Dame (Dr.) Felicia Ngozi Okoli , PRO of the Catholic Women Organization Lagos Archdiocese (CWONLA), Chief Executive and Managing Director of Moore Holdings Ltd., in Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration of her 63rd Birthday Anniversary. The Holy Mass was concelebrated by five Rev. Frs. of the Order Of Preachers namely:- Rev. Frs. Emmanuel Ogu, OP, Jude Mary Njoku, OP, Augustine Ebido, OP, Christopher Nnamani, OP and Felix Nnabuchi, OP. Thereafter, Dame (Dr.) Felicia Okoli and guests moved to Moorehouse Holdings for a grand Reception