The immediate past Chairman of the Catholic Men Organization (C.M.O) St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Igogila, Ipaja Deanery of the Archdiocese of Lagos, Flight Warrant Officer Anthony Amusu Dada (retd) on Tuesday 12th January clocked seventy years. The septuagenarian filed out with members of his family, C.M.O members, friends and relatives during the thanksgiving Mass Sunday 17th January, 2021, dancing to the Altar and thanking God for his goodness on him. Dada who is also the Vice Chairman of the St. Patrick’s Society is a regular participant at the annual convention of the Archdiocesan Catholic Men Organization in the capacity as a member of the Security Committee. He retired from the service at the Nigerian air force in 2011.

At 70, Madam Ughutevbe exudes joy
By Muyiwa Idowu
There was no gain saying the fact that Madam Juliana Olufumilayo Ughuteube JP exuded overwhelming joy Saturday January 23rd, 2021 during the special thanks giving ,mass to mark her seventy years birthday at the Catholic Church of the Archangels Igesu Road, Bada an outstation of the St. Patricks Catholic Church, Igbogila, Ipaja Deanery of the Archchdiocese of Lagos. The occasion was also used to raise funds for the early completion of the outstation’s fathers house that is begging for habitatian . The thanksgiving mass was hugely concelebrated by ten priests led by Very Revd. Fr Lawrence Nwaneri Cssp parish priest, St. Patricks: others were Revd. Fathers Andrew Okpanachi Edogbo, Cssp, former parish priest, Anthony Nworuh, Smmm, former Associate priest, Gabriel Ugoje, former Associate priest and now parish priest, St. Theresa, Catholic Church, Epe, Micheal Adebola Gabriel Ekpeyong Cssp, Camillus Ngbemere, SDV, parish priest, St. Pius, Ayobo, Tunde Alabi Cssp and Joachim Erahbor SDV Assoicate priest St. Patricks and co-ordinator of the event.
In his short but incisive homily, Fr. Ugoje extolled some of the virtues of Madam Ughutevbe pointing out that in her seventy years on earth she has touched many people’s life and admonished the congregation to allow kindness and salvation to be their ultimate goals. Madam Ughutevbe has devoted the past three decades and a half of her life to serving God and humanity. Her membership in the Catholic Church cuts across various societies and organisations from the parish to the national level during which period she has held several top positions such as C.W.O Deputy Deanery Co-ordinator Ipaja, 2005 – 2008, Deanery Co-ordinator, 2008 – 2016, Social Secretary, Archdiocese 2016 – 2020 and Provincial 2017 to date.
Madam Ughutevbe is a proud recipient of several awards from the parish to the national level notable among them, (Ambassador of Mary) by the National Council of Catholic Women Oraganization and the Laity Council. At the community level, Madam Ughutevbe was formely the chairperson of the Progessive Community Development Association, Bada from 2015- 2020 and currently the chairperson of Irepodun Community Development Association Oluwaga, both in the Ayobo Ipaja Local Council Development Area of Alimosho Local Government of Lagos State. At the state level she is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Lagos state Barbing, Hairdressing and Cosmetologist and National Co-ordinator of the ABHCON Association of Barbing, Hardressing and Cosmetologist of Nigeria. Madam Juliana Ughutevbe favourite Bible quote is “ Lead me O Lord, in the path of eternal life and let your face shine on me”.

Martins marks 60th birthday