The Catholic Men Organization of
St. John Parish, Igando is now being
repositioned following the effort of
Isolo deanery CMON to ensure that par-
ish chapters under her jurisdiction operate
within the organization’s guideline.
To foster fellowship, vibrancy, develop-
ment and spirituality, the Parish Priest has
also constituted a twelve-man team led by
Mr. Martin Igunbor with the mandate to
ensure the active involvement of all men in
the organizations parish activities.
Addressing all men recently in an open
forum at the parish, Rev. Fr. Michael Etek-
po, MSP re-iterated that “an active, com-
mitted and vibrant CMO is a blessing to
every parish community.”
Fr. Etekpo thanked the leadership of Iso-
lo deanery CMON led by Chief Okparaku
for their incissive obeservation and efforts
to ensure vibrancy in the Catholic Men
apostolate in Igando.
He equally appreciated the duo
of Mr. Nnamdi Isiaka and Mr. Fred
Obi for their services at the parish
and station levels respectively.
The twelve-man team shall among
other terms of reference, regularize
accounts and finances of the group
and ensure parish elections in strict
compliance with CMON guidelines
and directives within a spade of six