When Jesus Christ declared in the Gospel according to John (17:14- 17); “You are in the world, but not of the world”. This, therefore it means, while we are still living in this world as Christians, we do not have to conform to the world’s standards, whether in the house of God or even in the secular world, ‘where today, there is so much noise and many distraction Howbeit, the Church, which is the body of Christ desires a prime place in our hearts, no matter what the society is saying out there. Surprisingly, most Christians today who come to the house of God to seek for God’s blessings, consciously or unconsciously, many atimes, throw caution to the wind, and behave in a manner that suggests that they are either in the marketplace or do not understand what they have come to do in the house of God, unfortunately.
Yes, we are all sinners but suffice to say that one does not come to Church to increase his or her sins, but instead takes leave from the Church with blessings and justification that he has been forgiven by His Father, each time the Sacrifice of Mass is offered, or any other prayer programme taking place in the Church is over. While we work out our salvation with fear and trembling, it’s instructive to note here and now that there are certain behaviours that must, and should not be displayed by those who have come to worship their God in His own house where the Holy Eucharist reposes and is celebrated. God’s house where His faithful gathers clearly must be separated from other gatherings, because the Bible also recorded, ”those who worship God, worship Him in truth and in spirit”(John 4:24).
This also means that, we cannot gather in the house of the Lord to crack jokes, and with divided attention. For example, the Church, in her wisdom, knowing the influence of the mobile phones on the young and old, and the distractions it would cause during Mass, advises against switching our phones on; if we must come to Church with the phones, but alas, the compliance level to these directives vary from parish to parish and from one Mass centre to another. Most people, while Mass is going on, bury their heads in their phones, browsing and making calls, and are not ready to listen to the Church wardens whose work it is to maintain orderliness when Mass is being celebrated.
Others chew gum from the beginning of the Mass to the end, and do not take part in the responses during the Eucharistic celebration. Again, most parents are equally in the habit of overlooking what their children do in the Church and would not stop them even when they are tearing the Church’s hymn books. There are also those who dress in an obscene manner, wearing clothes that reveal the sensitive parts of their bodies in the name of fashion, despite several announcements that are at variance with such attitude. There are also those that move in and out during the homily, without any modicum of respect in the house of God, poor sitting posture, even as others engage in conversations and gossips while the Mass is going on.
Many also sleep away and get to a point of snoring while the Priest is preaching. Some reserve seats for their husbands or wives who are at home while others who come early stand or sit outside. We have a situation where handbags sit on the pew while human beings stand. The list is endless surprisingly. Yes, Jesus understands us in all things, but in the house of God if the question must be asked; are we supposed to behave in a manner that does not glorify God and those who have come prepared to worship their God? The deep sense of peace which all of us seek, and which only God alone can give, surely will come through total devotion, with reverence, even though we may not obtain absolute perfection here on earth. T
ruly as Christians, we belong to another world, understanding that our lives here on earth is a journey; a pilgrimage, pointing towards heaven. We as Christians must strive to shake off any distraction that seeks to pin us down and separate us from the promise of God. The noise of the world should not be imported into the Church, because the house of God is a place of reverence, solace and refuge for those who worship Him and obey His teachings. Jesus says,”You are my friends, if you do what I command you. (John 15:14).