‘Government should address the issues of Boko Haram, food price, health facilities, hike in electricity tariff and fuel price’
Nigerians have had no peace since the inception of Boko Haram, they have killed so many citizens of Nigeria and this has cost us pain and heart break. Some of our citizens have been taken forcefully out of their homes and communities, this has created fear in the lives of many; many people have abandoned their homes in search for safety, the government should come to our aid. Continuous increase in food price has caused more harm than good; families are not able to provide two good square meals for their children per day due to the increasing price of food. Government should look into the agricultural sector by assisting farmers with money to improve farming which will enable low price rate of food stuffs. The quality of a good hospital or health care Centre depends on the good health care facilities that are available, no wonder our leaders are usually flown abroad to receive medical attention because of the good health care facilities over there. The government should assist the health care sector to provide good and quality health care facilities. Since the federal government of Nigeria increased the fuel pump price and electricity tariff, hardship has increased the more because the transport fare to different locations has also increased, drivers and passengers always engage in argument of price, increase in food price e.t.c Increase in the electricity tariff has equally affected some families’ standard of living, coupled with the excessive usage of generators due to short electricity supply. Eucharia Isiwu, Abuja.

‘God did not create us to be a corrupt Nation’
Corruption is a very bad thing. We should learn to be like our heroes and heroines in the bible and on earth. God did not create us to be a corrupt nation. We should always learn to avoid corruption. Let all of us say no to corruption. On my way home from the Church, after we had been told to discourage corruption, I saw a police officer collecting bribe from a man, not in secret, but in public. Even the government tells lies. Today they say something, tomorrow, they say another thing. The government hardly fulfills its campaign promises. Oooh what a pity for our lovely country Nigeria! Say NO to corruption! Cynthia Chibuzo, Lagos

‘Payment of teachers’ salaries, corruption, quality education, high cost of living, job opportunities are very crucial issues’
Teachers have the greatest responsibilities of moulding the future of Nigerians, but the welfare package of the Nigerian teachers is among the worst in the country; it is nothing to write home about. The peanuts received by teachers are not enough to cater for their needs, more so, there is a lot of irregularities on the amount of payment made to teachers. The government should ensure that teachers salaries’ are paid as at when due. Corruption is one of the problems Nigerians are facing, it is no longer news that our country has a high level of corruption. Corruption is found in every sector of our society. Corruption is the offering of a bribe to an official so that the truth will be hidden. It involves the stealing of government funds for personal use. Nigeria was ranked the second most corrupt nation in the World in 2001. Education is the most important tool for the development of any country. Education is considered to be the most essential pillar that holds a nation together. The citizens expect their leaders to provide quality education ranging from a conducive learning environment, qualified teachers, instructional materials, quality library, recreational activities, just to mention but a few. Since the youths are the leaders of tomorrow, quality education should be made available to them. Many people are poor and hungry in our country because of the high cost of living, and the people are complaining a lot. Essential commodities are costly beyond the income of some Nigerians as prices rise, and so, unemployment becomes the order of the day. The cost of living is so high in Nigeria and many Nigerians are complaining. The cost of food items is so high, and this is as a result of low production of food in the country. The farm has been abandoned to the old people by the youths who are not interested in farming. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Most of our citizens are finding it difficult to secure a meaningful job. Job opportunities should be made available to our youth, so that they can abstain from bad virtues such as stealing, kidnapping e.t.c. With the creation of job opportunities, our nation will develop to a greater height. Isiwu Emmanuella, Abuja.

‘Government should fix the refineries’
I will start by saying congratulations to Nigeria on the occasion of her 60th birthday. Nigeria in the last 60years has achieved much but should have done better. Take for example; Nigeria produces oil, but no refinery is working, which makes her to import fuel thereby causing increase in the price of fuel. This, together with the recent increase in electricity tariff is causing a lot of hardship on the people because prices of goods have increased. I hope the government will fix the refineries and improve in other areas. God bless Nigeria. Chimamanda Olivia Molokwu, Lagos.