The Confraternity of Christian Mothers, CCM, St. Augustine Catholic Church, Ikorodu, Lagos had their solemn reception and investiture of patrons and matrons. The programme started with Holy Mass and was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Emeka Okeke, CMF and other Co-pastors. In his Homily, Fr. Okeke challenged the women who were received into the Confraternity of Christian Mothers to see themselves as workers in the vineyard of God, whose contributions towards building the family would go a long way in creating a better society. A total of thirty-six “New Mothers” were inducted into the Confraternity by the officiating priest during Mass, as consecrated medals which symbolises allegiance to Virgin Mary a, pledge her service were given to them. At the reception which followed at the Claret Hall, the Parish President, CCM, St. Augustine Catholic Church, Ikorodu, Phrm. (Mrs.) Eunice Ezeokeke, in her welcoming address, said the organisation is a pious society in the Church with the main objective of bringing together wedded Catholic Women under one spirit of love and prayer. Chairman on the occasion was Mr. P.N. Okolie.

Those in attendance included Mr. Napoleon Okpebor; Mr. Femi Ogunleye and Mr. Monday Nwogu (CCM patrons). Mrs. Elizabeth Awanw (CCM Matron); Mr. Nathaniel Ligbago (Laity Chairman); Mr. Joseph Oludare and Mr. Martins Uwakwe among other guests. Also in attendance were Mrs. Louise Florence, CCM President St. Anthony; Mrs. Ndifereke Upper, CCM President, St. Patrick; Mrs. Rachel Ogusawo, CCM president, St. Micheal; Mrs. Jacinta Ajero JP, CCM President, Good Shepherd; Mrs. Bibian Nwabueze CCM President, St. Joseph. The Chairperson 2023 Planning Committee of solemn reception, expressed her gratitude and appreciated all who contributed towards the success of the induction.