“ I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King Jr
Love always wins while hatred brings one down. It pays more to be loving and empathetic towards one another than hate. But unfortunately, some people tend to hate than love. But love conquers all. Can love win against hate? BETTY AMUKPO presents her conversations with some children. Excerpts.
‘Love is peaceful’
Yes, love wins against hate, it is because:
• Love is a very strong feeling of liking and caring for somebody/something especially a member of your family or friends.
• Hate is the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action.
• Love is peaceful, it does not count errors,where there is love there is peace and progress.
• Love is happiness. John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son……” Matthew 22:34-40 – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart…Love your neighbour as yourself.” John 14:15 – “If you love me you would obey my commandments.” In the book of 1st John 3:14, the message from the beginning we must love one another. 1st John 4:18 says, “Perfect love drives out all fear.”
‘Love conquers all things’
Hate is a very strong dislike for something or someone while love is a strong feeling of affection for something or someone. Hate cannot win against love because love poses a stronger force between two things. It poses a more vigorous force, more stronger than that of hate, love conquers all things.
“Love is openess and sharing”
Love is openess and sharing. It includes forgiveness, honesty, etc.1 Corinthians 13:4-7 talks about Love is the greatest gift .Love wins hate in the salvation of human soul when Jesus lay down is life for us despite our hatred.
‘If we love, there will be no place for hate’
Yes, love can win against hate. (Romans 12:20-21) Love is the most important commandment given by God in the Bible. (Mark 12. 28-33) The catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that the 10 commandments are all about love. Love for God, love for our parents, love for ourselves and love for others. Because if we have love, there will be no place for hate. Love is about sharing, when we share our toys, clothes and food with those who do not have, it teaches them to share the little they have. Love is about giving a helping hand, when we help those in need, it teaches them to help others. Love helps us make good friends, when someone hates us and we love them as they are it teaches them to love us back
‘Compassion wins’
At times like these, what I notice repeatedly is that anger and hatred can be incredibly loud and it’s easy to get lost in its voice. However, the quiet and calm of compassion and reason wins. So the process, I follow is to turn down the volume on hatred, and fill the room with love. And as such love always win. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20).
‘Love can win over hatred when there is forgiveness’
Love can win over hate when there is forgiveness. Forgiveness simply means the act of letting go and forgetting the wrong that has been done to you by a person. As a child of God we need to forgive our fellow human being in order to be forgiven by God. An example in the Bible where love won over hate was between Joseph and his brothers.Despite the fact that his brother s’ hatred, Joseph forgave them because of the love he has for them.
‘Hate is evil and the absence of God’
Hate is evil and the absence of God . Love is the illuminating light and can win hate, because a heart full of love is a heart free from deceit, jealousy, selfishness, wickedness and so on. love conquers all evil. The Bible also tells us to love our enemy and also pray for them In order words, love can win hate. Hatred destroys ,while love makes whole and constant
‘Love conquers all things’
‘So many Bible references that present cases of hatred’ Love wins against hate. There are so many references in the Bible in this regard. In the case of Jesus Christ, it was in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Act of the Apostles, when Judas betrayed him. 2.Cain and Able – Genesis 4 : 7 – 9. 3. Joseph: Out of jealousy Joseph sold his brothers out. 4. Also David disobeyed God and he was forgiven in the book of Samuel 11: 1- 26. Also king Solomon, he was lured into worshipping idols by his wives who worshipped idols. We can find that in the book of 1Kings 11 : 3 -13.
‘Love is everything that is good’
Can love win against hate? Yes, love can win hate because: Love is a positive force, the good which fills and complete . Hate is the Stygian darkness, the void where love should be. Love is everything that is good and exist. Joseph forgave his brothers and allowed them to settle in Egypt. Jesus forgave those who nailed him to the cross. David did not kill King Saul when he had the opportunity to do so. So Love Can Win Over Hate.