1.China has developed a testing
kit for CoronaVirus & will have
it distributed nationwide. It can
accurately confirm the presence of
coronavirus on any suspect who has
fever within 2-3hours. (Don’t know
if this will soon be available in our
- The new coronavirus can’t stand
high-temperature environments.
-CoronaVirus will die in 56’C
environment for 30mins.
-Utensils should be regularly
sterilised /disinfected or boiled in
100’C water to totally eliminate all
viruses. -eat cooked foods; don’t eat
raw foods for the time being.
3.New coronavirus is easily eradi-
cated by medical grade alcohol.
-75%alcohol or Chlorine disin-
fectant can effectively eliminate the
(Tip: bring alcohol in your bag to
regularly disinfect your hands espe-
cially while outdoors; use alcohol to
sanitize doorknobs in your home if
someone develops flu-like symp-
toms; keep those who get sick inside
their bedroom or bring to a doctor
According to a research profes-
sor’s advice: this winter; those with
heating system in the house should
keep the indoor temperature above
20’C. Don’t worry about wastage of
-Coronavirus can’t survive long
in a warm environment. Thus all
households should keep the house
heating & ventilation system on
during this period.
Thank you.