The Bishop Chairman of So-
cial Communications of the
Catholic Bishops Conference
of Nigeria, Most Rev Denis Isizoh has
challenged Arch/diocese in the coun-
try to commit more resources towards
uplifting the work of communication,
considering its integral role in evange-
In a keynote addressed he gave re-
cently in Warri during the second
plenary of the Diocesan Directors and
Religious Directors of Communica-
tions, Bishop Isizorh also noted that
some Directors are overburdened with
multiple pastoral duties, hence they
hardly have the needed time to really
develop Communications Apostolate
their Arch/Dioceses.
According to him, communications
in the church can further improve
when adequate resources are deployed
to ensure that the voice of the church
is heard clearly, using all the various
media tools available for such purpos-
He mandated the Directors to ensure
that all the CBCM approved bodies
like Catholic Media Practitioners and
Catholic Artistes and Entertainers As-
sociation are inaugurated and made
functional in all the Arch/Dioceses in
In the area of visibility, he implored
Catholic Newspapers to focus less on
negative trends in the society. Rather,
he challenged them not to relegate C–
hurch stories to the background and
to dwell more on the positive by giving
the people hope.
“Let’s promote church stories and
get the required attention to enable
people have access to church news.
We are losing so much positive self
esteem in Nigeria due to so much bad
news emanating from the country. Let
Catholic Journalists rise up and give
hope to Nigeria and the world via pos-
itive stories from Nigeria. Let’s max-
imise the power of social media and
put them into better use.