Young Christians have been
advised not to allow them-
selves to be entangled in
the web of infatuation in
their quest of finding last-
ing love.
Prof (Mrs) Osita Ezenwanebe of the
University of Lagos, Akoka warned that
infatuation, which she described as an
intense feeling for someone or some-
thing one is attracted to, if not dealt
with promptly, was capable of destroy-
ing its victim and rob him of his peace
with God.
Delivering a lecture recently in Lagos
entitled, ‘Love or infatuation: How do I
know?’ Prof. Ezenwanebe described in-
fatuation as an unreasoning, short-lived
strong feeling which comes up sudden-
ly, over power the individual and carries
the person away in sensual magnet and
“Infatuated person’s focus on physi-
cal appearance and external qualities
of their love object, that is the person
they are infatuated with. They focus on
things like the way the person speaks,
his phonetics, charisma, carriage, swag-
ger, beauty or handsomeness, dressing,
grooming, not excluding material pro-
cessions like posh cars, magnificent
houses or any external qualities that fit
into the idol of their dreams.”
She warned that infatuation is usual-
ly short-lived. “The energy needed to
sustain infatuation does not last. The
illusion of infatuation often leads to dis-
appointment with the infatuated person
when he learns the truth about the love
object. This is why it is often described
as the temporary love of an adolescent.”
Rather than wallowing in the deep
waters of infatuation, the university don
recommended all to embrace agape love
which is given to man by God. Such
agape love, she explained, is geared
towards the divine as it harbours no
grudges, neither does it wane amidst the
challenges of life.