Christianity is a beautifully dialectical balance, a balance leaning on all liturgical seasons. But most often some Christians appear to draw closer to God as the Lenten season recommends and relax thereafter with little or no almsgiving, fasting or abstaining from certain activities coupled with praying less. BETTY AMUKPO asks, are you a Christian all year-round or only at the Lenten season? Some children respond. Excerpts:
‘God deserves to be worshipped all year-round’
God is not protecting me only during the Lenten period, but He Protects me all year-round, and I must praise and worship Him all year round. The book of Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” If I cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning and what He is still doing and what He will still do, He deserves to be worshipped all year round and being an all year Christian is the practice of my family, which I followed.
• Eyinade Gideon
‘I am a Christian all year round, not only during the Lenten period’
I am a Christian all year round, not only during the Lenten period. I have to be deeply rooted in faith: 2 Corinthians 5:7 says “For our life is a matter of faith not sight”, this gives me enough reason to be a devoted Christian.
• Theresa Obhakhan Ohin
‘Following Jesus is a daily exercise and not a seasonal activity’
I’m a Christian all year round. I’m not a Christian for or during the Lenten period alone. Following Jesus is a daily exercise and not a seasonal activity. Luke 9:23. As a Christian, I must Love God and man everyday. I must read my Bible everyday. I must attend the Holy Mass on Sundays, if not daily. I must pray daily. These are some of the activities we must do as Christians all year round and not just during lent, because Jesus told us to stay awake at all times because no one knows when He is coming back again. Mark 13:33.
• Winifred Akunne
‘For a fulfilled Christian life, an all year Christian life is a must’
I am an all year Christian, not just during the Lenten season. In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1 it is written: “To everything, there is a season, a time for everything.” Throughout the Bible, God has set season and time for everything. And these seasons are there for us to grow deeply in the image and likeness of God, our creator. The various stages we go through in life are not by accident, but orchestrated or allowed by God with great purpose and intentions, and if we are not Christians in all these stages, we will definitely miss our ultimate purpose in life. So, for a fulfilled Christian life, an all year Christian life is a must.
• Victoria Okefe
‘I haven’t stopped being a Christian and never will’
I am a Christian all year round. I haven’t stopped being a Christian and never will. During the Lenten period, we have to improve more in whatever we are doing as Christians; like praying without ceasing, visiting the sick and prison, helping old people around us in house chores, engaging in alms giving and a host of others. The Gospel of Mark 1:13 tells us how Jesus was tempted by Satan. This period is a period of temptations, so we have to always be strong and ready to defend our faith in Jesus Christ.
• Francis Chibunna Umennadi
‘Christians who only practice Christianity during Lenten season are hypocrites’
A Christian is a person who believes in Jesus Christ and follows His teachings. The Catholic Church follows the religious doctrine as transmitted through the succession of Popes. Yes, I am a Christian all year round, not just during Lenten season, but also during other liturgical seasons. Believers who call themselves Christians and only practice their Christianity during Lenten season are “hypocrites “. I give alms, go for Thanksgiving, and go to Mass on Holy days of obligation and Sundays.
• Anyasor Chibuike Raphael