The Catholic Archbishop of La-
gos, Most Rev Dr Alfred Ade-
wale Martins has stressed on the
importance of the Holy Spirit in the
lives of Christians, saying without it
none can function effectively.
In his homily recently at the Mass cel-
ebrating his 7th Installation anniversa-
ry as the Archbishop of Lagos, he called
on all to always seek the guidance of the
Holy Spirit in their journey through life
in order to be successful in all their en-
“Without the Holy Spirit, we are in-
capable of doing that which is good.
Without the Holy Spirit, nothing
worthwhile can come out of us.”
Taken his text from the second
reading of day, he explained “Jesus is
everything so He is in everything. Je-
sus it was, who promised that he would
send the Holy Spirit upon His Apostles.
After His ascension, the Holy Spirit
came down, first to remind them of
everything He taught them before His
death, resurrection and ascension and
also, how they will be useful instru-
ments in the hands of God. Christ did
not fail in His promise because on the
day of the Pentecost, the Holy Spirit
came down on the Apostles and their
lives were no more the same; they were
transformed from men who were very
afraid into men who were like lions for
Christ and ready to go out to bring the
message of Christ to the ends of the
earth because they had been renewed
by the Holy Spirit.”
The Archbishop who used the occa-
sion of his anniversary Mass to confirm
219 candidates, challenged the newly
confirmed to emulate the saints whose
name they had adopted so as to grow
in holiness.
“Today, you have become soldiers of
Christ; whether you are fifteen of fifty
years old, you are being recruited today
into Christ Army. The army of Christ
is the one that stands up for Christ and
defends Christ and the Church when-
ever there is any kind of threat; that is
the army you are being recruited into
today and so you are true soldiers fight-
ing for Christ and His Church. You
should not be a cowardly soldier that
runs away from battles.”
The prelate reminded the people of
God that they need the word of God
and the Sacraments in order to be
strengthened in the journey of life.
“The first reading of the word of God
today brings to us, the wisdom of a
sage, a wise person who has seen life
from all angles. This man that is called
The Preacher was reflecting about life. It
was a time the people of Israel stopped
paying attention to God because their
economy was booming. They were
prosperous and decided to put God
aside. But the Preacher reminds us that
“vanity of vanities, all is vanity”. (Eccl.
1:2, 2:21-23.)
Recounting his experience so far as
the Metropolitan of the Archdiocese,
said he has so far enjoyed God’s grace,
goodwill and support see the priests,
religious and the lay faithful, urging all
to continue to pray for him to be im-
bued with the Holy Spirit as he contin-
ues to serve in God’s vineyard.
The anniversary Mass was attend-
ed by several prominent personalities
in the Archdiocese and a mammoth
crowd of worshippers who turned out
to celebrate with the Archbishop.