The Archbishop of Abuja, Igna-
tius Kaigama, has charged the
government of the day to be
more proactive in the protection of
the citizens in view of the insecurities
bedeviling the country.
The Archbishop task of the citizens
to expose evildoers in their midst to
curtail the wanton destruction of lives
and property so as to bring to an end
the violence that has permeated the
nation especially the northern part of
Archbishop who reiterated this dur-
ing his homily at the commemoration
of the silver jubilee celebration of Jos
Ecclesiastical province held at St John’s
Cathedral Bauchi Wednesday, decried
that the province comprising dioceses
in plateau and northeastern states de-
spite being the worse hit with religious
and ethnic clashes, is still standing
strong and growing from strength to
He urged the lay faithful to stand
firm in the face of adversity and be
ready to be true Christians and shun
acts that will be detrimental to their
He called on Christians and Muslims
to exhibit a love that has no boundary
as the nation is in dire need of peace.
“Let us pray for a stop to the vio-
lence. We pray that the violence will
stop in the name of Jesus. We pray for
conversion of hearts. We pray for re-
pentance on the part of those causing
this havoc, the destruction of lives and
“What is the meaning of all that? Is
so sad. Our security agents must do
more, our government must take the
war to the criminals or those who say
they are killing in the name of God”.
“How can you meet people and spray
them bullets and say you are making
God happy who told you God needs to
be happy? He is happy himself.
“We hope government will take their
responsibility seriously, the soldiers
and other security agents need to
be involved, more serious. You dont
blame them also because the fanat-
ics also kill them. And when Soldiers
killed in battle they are not treated
well. I know that because I have people
friends and relatives who have died.
Soldiers are treated shabbily even in
death, and worse, their families are
not remembered. Government should
do something apart from protecting
us, they should ensure that they have
adequate security and those who sac-
rifice their life, should be adequately
We need to pray that the violence
will reduce and if violence will reduce
in Nigeria, we must exhibit a love that
has no boundary, we must love one
another irrespective of religious eth-
nic or political difference. We need
peace in Nigeria,
we need violence to stop and we
must all do this together. We must
expose evil-doers and not hide them
in the name of being members of the
same tribe, religion, or political asso-
Having come this far our Christian-
ity must mature so that we can attract