The maiden Festac Deanery Pas-
toral visit by the Archbishop
of Lagos, Most Rev Dr Alfred
Adewale Martins, which commenced
on Monday 26th August 2019 came to
an end on Sunday 1st September 2019
with a thanksgiving Mass at the Catholic
Church of the Nativity.
Candidates numbering 1120 from
various parishes in the Deanery received
the Sacrament of Confirmation during
the Mass.
Worthy of note was an unusual shower
of rain that was limited within the vicin-
ity of Church of Visitation located at 1st
Avenue, just ten minutes before the ar-
rival of the Archbishop.
In his homily at the confirmation
Mass, the Archbishop reminded the con-
gregation of the purpose of his Pastoral
visit which was to encourage the faithful
and assist them in growing their faith.
Making reference to the day’s Gospel
reading taken from Luke 14:1, 7-14:
“Everyone who exalts himself will be
humbled and he who humbled himself
will be exalted,” he urged the Catholic
faithful to remain humble in their ser-
vice to God. “You cannot claim to love
God or neighbour if you are behaving
as if the world begins and ends with
you. It is difficult to be humble; think
of others first before yourself. Live a life
of holiness.”
The Archbishop told the newly con-
firmed to strive to be good ambassa-
dors of Christ. “Today, you have be-
come soldiers of Christ. Anyone who
receives the Sacrament of Confirmation
becomes a soldier of Christ. The spirit of
the Lord has made you an adult, wheth-
er you are fifteen years old or above sev-
enty. Always stand firm to defend the
faith. Don’t behave like coward soldiers
who run away in the face of battle.”
During the week-long visit, the
Archbishop who was met on arrival by
priests, religious and lay leaders from
the various parishes and mass centres in
Festac town, including the Dean, Very
Rev Fr Jerome Akinwunmi and the Par-
ish Priest of Church of Presentation, Rev
Fr Anthony Godonu, also took time out
to meet with the leaders of the various
lay societies in the Church and to assess
the level of development within the
Deanery and the way forward.