Last Sunday, November 1, 2020 is the Solemnity of All Saints, a Christian Solemnity celebrated in honour of all the Saints of the Church, both known and unknown. It is celebrated by not only the Catholic Church but also the Anglican Communion, Methodist and other protestant Churches. In the Roman Catholism, the feast is usually a Holy day of obligation. LADY BETTY AMUKPO engaged some children on their Patron Saints.
My Patron Saint is Saint Anne
Saint Anne also known as Anita or Annette is the grandmother of Jesus, Mother of Mary and wife of Joachim. She was born in 50BC and died in 12AD. She is venerated in Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Catholic Churches, Anglican Communion and many other Churches. Her feast is kept on the 26th of July in Roman Catholic Churches and 9th of September in Eastern Orthodox Church. She is regarded as the woman dressed in red or green. The name “Anita”(Anne) means “Gracious.” Saint Anita was very religious and increased her sanctity by giving birth to the mother of Jesus the saviour of the world. I admire Saint Anita (Anne) because she is the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Anne made the greatest sacrifice a mother could make by her total surrender to God and giving her child Mary to God that Mary could serve God by bringing Jesus into the world.
• Anita Okechukwu
My knowledge of a Patron Saint …My Patron Saint is St. Gerald
In Roman Catholicism and other Christian Faith or Tradition, a Saint is a holy person who is known for his or her “heroic sanctity” and who is thought to be in heaven. By my own knowledge on Catechism, a Saint is someone who has died and has been officially recognized and honoured by the Christian Church because his or life was a perfect example of a Christian life.
Who is a Patron Saint?
Now we have a knowledge of who a Saint is, we can easily define a Patron Saint as those holy men and women in heaven chosen as a special protector or guardian over our earthly and spiritual well being. These areas can include occupations, Church, Countries, Sickness e.t.c.
Who is my Patron Saint?
My Patron Saint is St. Gerald Mangella. He is known as the Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers. He served the Redemptorists as a Gardener, Tailor and Seminarian. He also counseled the Local Communities of Religious women. He was very obedient and humble and also performed some miracles mostly for pregnant women and women in labour. The last miracle he did by the Power of God was how he restored a boy’s life who fell from a high cliff. According to some real life stories I was told. 1. About a girl who came to St. Gerald. 2. My own true life story. About the girl whose story I would love to share with us all started within the last days of St.Gerard on Earth. That happens to be the last miracle of St. Gerald before his death. Before his death, he dropped handkerchief for a girl to kneel with it and after the young girl has finished she went to return it back but St. Gerald encouraged her to keep the handkerchief with her that someday, she will need it. St. Gerald died and the young girl grew up, got married and had issues on delivery. She remembered the handkerchief and sent for it and immediately it was used on her, the pains stopped and she gave birth to baby safely. Lastly, my true life story that made me chose St Gerald as one of my Patron Saint. St. Gerard helped my mum when she was pregnant to give birth to me. She had difficulties in bringing me to the world. Everyone lost hope and even the Doctor said I won’t come out alive the normal way except through operation. I stayed in her womb for 10 months instead of 9 months. The only solution was a Caesarean operation which will entail tearing her belly to bring me out. Finally, my mum went to St. Gerald’s Grotto in the Archangels Catholic Parish, Satellite town, Lagos, Nigeria, and prayed for the powerful intercession of St. Gerald over her current situation. Lo and behold, she headed to the Hospital for the operation but the Doctor rushed her to the theatre room and delivered me safely without any operation to the glory of God. In conclusion, it is always good to have a Patron Saint, because God works wonders through them. It may just be you are bearing a Saint name or you came across one’s intercession or you loved their life style. It’s like the life of that Saint you chose will make you connected to God and that makes us love God more and target heaven like them. Don’t lose interest in becoming a Saint but rather pray for the grace to be one. Remember what our Lord Jesus Christ told us in the scripture…. “Be Perfect, just as your heavenly Father in heaven is perfect.”. As children of God will must strive to be a Saint and that begins through living a Holy life and loving God and and our neighbours. May our lady Queen of all Saints help us us with the sufficient grace to become a Saint through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen! Thank you and God bless you. •Okanume Henry Udeze, an MCA Member of the Archangels Parish Satellite town, Lagos
My Patron Saint is Saint Angela Merici
Saint Angela Merici was born in 1474 in Brescia, Italy. Angela means the messenger of God. She is the Founder of the first teaching Order, called the Ursulines. The Order was formed from the driving need to remove ignorance, eradicate illiteracy and teach good moral and religious values to the youths. Angela’s feast day is kept on the 27th of January. She was cannonized on the 24th of May, 1807. I admire St. Angela for her courage. She is a woman of foresight who enjoined her successors to make change according to the needs of time. I also admire her charming nature and natural leadership qualities which makes her my role model. •Angela Okechukwu
My Patron Saint is Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus is the Queen of Heaven and Mother of the Catholic Church. She was a Jewish woman of Nazareth, wife of Joseph (the foster Father of Jesus). Her birthday is celebrated September 8 (Nativity of Mary). Her parents are Saints Joachim and Anne. Other important Feast days in her honour includes: Solemnity, January 1; Presentation of the Lord in the temple, February 2; Feast of Annunciation, March 25; Feast of Assumption, August 15; Feast of Immaculate Conception December 8. Mary’s preservation from original sin was proclaimed by pope Pius IX on December 8, 1854. • Mary-Jane Oluebube