As the Universal Church began Advent season last Sunday, Rev. Fr. Sabinus Iwuchukwu has given three ways to guide every Catholic to prepare adequately for the season. Fr. Iwuchukwu, a religious of the Society of Divine Vocation (SDV), said advent was a season to take away old life and embrace new life in Christ Jesus. He said to adequately prepare for Christ when He comes, one must shun sinful way of life, be vigilant like the five wise virgins and get busy in charity works. He stated this on Sunday at St Rita, Obadeyi, while delivering a homily on the first Sunday of Advent. The priest, who is holidaying at the parish, reminded Catholics that Advent “is the time to prepare, to change from old life to new life. How you prepare now would determine how you end.” Warning against sins, the priest advised everyone to always examine one’s life adding that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” “Walk away from the darkness, from sinful life and embrace the way of God.
You have to recall your life and know whether you are doing well or not. The Church has mapped out four weeks to prepare for this.” On why one must be vigilant, Fr. Iwuchukwu lamented that happenings in the world, especially in Nigeria, are enough to make one worried and embarrassed. “There are fake prophets misleading the people. So be vigilant and watchful and pray. Prayer is what we have. Some people may have juju (charms) or other things but as Christians, we have prayers as our weapons. “Be like the wise virgins who were fully prepared for their Master.
Be wise like the serpent but gentle like dove.” He also warned against idleness but advised “get busy in the works of charity, in spiritual works of mercy because this will help you to work out your redemption. “Decoration for Christmas has started; people use thousands of dollars and naira to prepare for Christmas. This is secondary preparation, Our primary preparation should be our hearts, let’s make our hearts a dwelling and comfortable place for Him. The priest also condemned individuals who abused Christmas season to exploit or extort the poor by hiking the prices of goods and services. “The devil is always moving around, looking for people to devour, don’t allow the devil to stop you from welcoming Christ when He comes.”