Job seeking can be extremely frustrating and depleting, especially if you are unemployed or have been impacted by layoffs. Continuing to try the same methods over and over without results can be maddening. Instead, I recommend at that point that you try something new. Below are strategies that help my clients be extremely successful and often gain multiple offers.
- Mindset
First and foremost, a positive mindset is critical in a job search. In fact, companies tend to hire people who are still working because they tend to be happier than their unemployed counterparts. Mindset is so important that research even shows that by changing your mindset and your behaviour, you can make yourself luckier.

- Niche
Finding your niche prior to a job search is key to success. Whether you want to stay in the same role, pivot or change careers, it’s important to make sure you are assessing your strengths and weaknesses and use this to nail down your niche and promote yourself as such. Finding your niche is the foundation for the rest of your job search. Without this, you will be spinning your wheels and not gaining traction.
- Branding
Having a consistent brand and promoting yourself appropriately can help you stand out from the crowd. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to create a logo for yourself. More so, think about colors, fonts and imagery for you to use that are consistent throughout your résumé, LinkedIn profiles and portfolio (if you have one).
- Résumé
While a solid and well-written résumé is vital to a successful job search, having multiple résumés matching keywords to diverse roles and job descriptions is not recommended. Creating a super résumé containing keywords from three to five job descriptions for the role you wish to gain and your niche, including any transferrable skills based on your past roles, is what matters. In my experience, outcome-based résumés are the most successful. These focus on not only what you’ve accomplished but why it was important.
When recruiters and hiring managers look for candidates, many times they plug in keywords to a LinkedIn search. Having as many keywords in your profile as possible that are relevant to the job you wish to obtain and your niche, including any transferrable skills, increases your chances of success. This means you will come up more in job search results using search engine optimization (SEO) keywords. Your LinkedIn profile should mimic your résumé, and remember that branding should also be consistent. Turning on “Open to Work” can be a clear indicator to hiring managers and recruiters that you are seeking employment. If you are torn on making this public, perform an A/B test by turning it off and on to see if things change on your end.

- Portfolios
For some fields, a portfolio is mandatory to showcase your work. Make sure that this portfolio is easy to navigate and case studies tell stories without you there to tell them. Again, branding should carry over from your résumé and LinkedIn profiles to your portfolio.
- Applying and networking
When you apply for a job, résumés sit in a queue that is not always reviewed. Many hiring managers want to hire people with common interests or ones who have been referred and will fit within the company culture—or maybe someone internally is interested. Applying to hundreds of jobs and trying to beat the applicant tracking system (ATS) has an extremely low success rate and is not the best place to focus your efforts. Applying to job openings is reactive since many people are often already in the running for a role even before it has been posted. CNBC reports that 70% of all jobs aren’t published on public job sites and that up to 80% of jobs are filled via professional and personal connections. This is why the most important key to a successful job search is networking. Networking is where the bulk of your efforts should be spent. This is a proactive method of job searching and will help you be most successful.
- Interviews
Understanding strategies on how to interview is critical in gaining offers. There are usually multiple rounds of interviews, and each interview has a different goal. Preparing and practicing are the keys to success, as is your confidence in how you answer the questions. Practice with a career coach, bots or peers. Prior to the interview, ask for an agenda and research your interviewers. Understand the company mission, why you are aligned with the role itself and what makes you an excellent fit. Dress to impress and make sure you have questions for the interviewer, as well. Stay positive in interviews and use what I’ve coined as the CPO (company, project/problem and outcome) method to answer questions. Interviewers want to hear clear examples of what you’ve accomplished and positive outcomes. Lastly, send a thank you note within 24 to 48 hours after the interview. If there are two candidates of interest and only one sends a thank you, hiring managers may use this in making a final decision.
- Cover letters
Keep cover letters short, think about making them interactive by adding links to videos showcasing your personality and, most importantly, focus on why you are very interested in the company mission. Highlight your experience relevant to the role and your key accomplishments in the form of bullets to make it scannable. Let them know how excited you are to hear about the next steps.
- Negotiation skills
Congratulations; you’ve made it to the finish line! This is not a time to stop all your hard work thus far. No matter how long you’ve waited for an offer, most companies expect some sort of negotiation. Companies at this point have invested a lot of time in you and are extremely interested. Make sure to negotiate on aspects of the overall offer package, not just the base salary. Prior to negotiating, express how excited you are about the offer and to start. Best of luck, and be careful of scams that target job seekers. Seek guidance if needed from a certified career coach, and if you are currently working, remember to give back.
• Carmelina Piedra is the Founder, Certified Career Coach, and Executive Innovation Coach & Facilitator at CareerCoachingPro.