If you’re looking to generate extra income over the holidays and into the new year without getting a second job or needing to worry about a higher position in your company, you might be overlooking a key resource that you use every day. In fact, it’s probably sitting in your hands right now as you’re reading this article: it’s your phone. With the rise of the gig economy, millions of workers are turning to their phones to generate extra income. In fact, most gig economy workers are professionals who work fulltime while managing their gig as a side hustle according to Statista research, so if you’re working a job but want more than what your job has to offer, you’re in good company.
Beyond extra income, one of the main advantages of joining the gig economy is not the money that’s to be made. It’s the overwhelming feeling of job satisfaction, purpose, and fulfilment that most workers don’t obtain from their main jobs. We often find ourselves working in a profession or for an employer merely because, well, it pays the bills, or simply because it’s what expected of us from our families. So we end up making career decisions for our lives that are not aligned with our core values and we spend a third of our day (if not more) doing something that compromises our wellbeing and inhibits us from living life with passion and purpose.
That’s certainly not the way you want to live for the rest of your life, is it? Apps to up your sidehustle In the New Year: To help you achieve the best of both worlds—making money while simultaneously experiencing career satisfaction— check out this roundup of 10 mobile apps that you can start downloading today to make money online :
1. Upwork: Freelance marketplace covering a wide variety of industries and specialisms.
2. Fiverr: Another global freelance marketplace.
3. Etsy: Ecommerce marketplace for vintage, handmade, and art supplied and creations, including digital products.
4. Vinted: An online marketplace to sell your second-hand items.
5. Shopify: With the Shopify app you can manage your ecommerce store.
6. Nextdoor: This is a community/neighbourhood app that allows you to connect with the locals, and you can also sell items.
7. Twitch: This app allows you to make money while streaming as long as you meet minimum criteria.
8. YouTube Studio: YouTube has a paid Partner Program that allows you to monetize your videos and content through a variety of ways including ads and memberships; you can also obtain sponsorships and partner with other companies as an affiliate, promoting their brand and products through your videos, captured through your phone and managed via the YouTube Studio app. The app has a section called “earn” in the bottom right corner, which displays your progress towards achieving earnings as a YouTube Partner.
9. Shutter Contributor: This app allows you to upload your photography portfolio and monetize it on Shutterstock’s marketplace, enabling passive income.
10. TaskRabbit: As a Tasker you get paid for same-day DIY, moving, and handyman work. These apps cater to varied skills and interests, so whether you’re into marketing, photography, or creating handmade jewelry, or DIY is more of your thing, you’ll be sure to find plenty of opportunities to make money and enjoy doing what you already love.
• Rachel Wells is a writer who covers freelancing, AI, and remote work.